Amanda Belantara : touchée par le son


Ears Are Dazzled

Une sélection d’enregistrements, certains non édités, d’autres composés, tous captés dans des moments de partage avec des personnes qui ont contribué à m’ouvrir à de nouvelles façons de penser et d’écouter.

A collection of recordings, some unedited, some composed, each captured during moments shared people who opened my ears to new sounds and ways of thinking.


1/ Ears Are Dazzled (excerpts from 耳がキュッとなる)
BO de mon film, Ears are Dazzled, touched by sound. Le film a été inspiré par des recherches portant sur le rôle du son dans la vie quotidienne et ses applications pour acquérir une compréhension plus profonde de l’expérience humaine, le documentaire expérimental a été réalisé en collaboration avec les habitants de Yamaguchi au Japon. Les participants du projet ont convenu de conserver des journaux sonores qui comprenaient des sons qui ont une importance particulière dans leur vie quotidienne. Les images et les sons des journaux ont été enregistrés en collaboration, créant une acoustimologie partagée; explorant la relation entre les sons et l’imagination et le rôle que le son joue dans l’élaboration des constructions quotidiennes.

Audio from my film, Ears are Dazzled, touched by sound. The film was inspired by research addressing the role of sound in everyday life and its applications for gaining a deeper understanding of human experience, the experimental documentary was made in collaboration with locals in Yamaguchi, Japan. Participants in the project agreed to keep sound diaries that included sounds which hold a special relevance in their daily lives. The images and sounds from the diaries were recorded collaboratively, creating a shared acoustemology; exploring the relationship between sounds and the imagination and the role that sound plays in shaping constructions of the everyday.

2/ Cataloging (excerpt from Archives of Sound)
En travaillant la manifestation d’une expression illustrée par un élément,  chaque fichier audio archivé nécessite des descriptions. Les descriptions doivent respecter les normes élaborées par des groupes de personnes qui peuvent ou non comprendre votre travail.

working through a manifestation of an expression exemplified by an item, each archival audio file requires descriptions. The descriptions must meet standards devised by groups of individuals who may or may not at all understand your work.

3/ JDH
Reverend Dorothy M Hill tells how she met the young man that would become her husband

4/ Candy Ice Cream Dancing
Abuelas in El Barrio reminisce about good times in the neighborhood

5/ Kousaten
Street crossings in Japan often play melodies to indicate when it’s safe for pedestrians to cross. Some crossings play melodies that are unique to a particular community, like this one about a mermaid in Aomori Japan. These melodies are currently being phased out and will be replaced by automated bird calls.

6/ Lifetime Passing
A demo track by architectspiders.

7/ Mushi Pipe
The small village, Kareizawa outside of Aomori is home to only a handful of households, mostly elderly as people have relocated. The town is overwhelmed by the sounds constant air traffic from the nearby airport and busy traffic as commuters avoid a toll road and whizz through the village center. Here a small insect is trapped in it all.

8/ Nagashima Ondo
Juinichi, a local fisherman sings a traditional dance song

9/ Nagashimabashi
Nagashimabashi bridge tells tales through the wind

10/ Osoresan
Osoresan is an otherworldly place that is the gateway between this world and another.

11/ Recorded Sound (excerpt from Archives of Sound)
La technologie sonore et son rôle dans l’élaboration des expériences du passé et du présent. Cet extrait comprend des enregistrements originaux et des archives audio issus des archives Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound , y compris les premiers enregistrements de Edison et The Language of the Future de Laurie Anderson.

Sound technology and its role in shaping experiences of the past and present. Includes original recordings and archival audio from the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound including early Edison recording and Laurie Anderson’s The Language of the Future

12/ Response
Created for a collaboration with Ying Kwok, in response to an audio file she sent with little chimes…

13/ Sensations
Vibrations, sensations.

14/ Wild Sheep Chase
Sheeps in the Lake District call out. Recorded for Erik Knudsen’s film, Raven on the Jetty.

15/ Winter Near the forest
Small sounds of a forest in winter, deep snow sleeps while something quietly waits to sprout

16/ Yamawaki San
Original composition Kuroshio by Yamawaki san. Recorded at the beautiful furosato beach in Kihoku.


Première écoute : à partir du jeudi 13 avril à 20h jusqu’au 26 avril 2017 même horaire.




Amanda Belantara est une artiste multimedia avec une formation centrée sur le film ethnographique. Elle est également cofondatrice du collectif d’artistes basé à Manchester, Kinokophone.

Amanda Belantara is an audiovisual artist with a background in ethnographic film. She is also co-founder of the artist collective, Kinokophone


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