Bérangère Maximin : nouvel album chez Subrosa

Bérangère Maximin
Rhys Chatham
Christian Fennesz,
Frédéric D. Oberland,
Richard Pinhas.

01 How Warm is our Love 08:55
feat. Frédéric D. Oberland (guitar)
02 Un jour, mes restes au soleil 01:44
BM (guitar)
03 Knitting in the Air 06:28
feat. Christian Fennesz (guitar)
04 Carnaval Cannibale 07:01
feat. Richard Pinhas (guitar)
05 Bicéphale Ballade 09:02
feat. Christian Fennesz (guitar)
06 Where the Skin meets the Bone 11:08
feat. Rhys Chatham (trumpet)

“I eagerly seized the opportunity to work with these amazing four men. I loved that. Their wits and energies were just what I needed: a sonic journey that simultaneously develops intuition and teaches understanding, this among many other subtle effects. It certainly impacts on my way of listening, and therefore on the music I shall make in the future. My warm thanks go to them and also to those who not only offer drama, but who also can help keep on track and blossom.” BM

Bérangère Maximin voice, guitar, laptop, various objects
featuring Rhys Chatham trumpet, Christian Fennesz guitar, Frédéric D. Oberland guitar and Richard Pinhas guitar.

Composed, arranged and mixed by Bérangère Maximin
Home Sweet Home Studio/BM, Paris (2011)
Mastered by Le Laboratoire Central, Brussels
Photo by Anton Yakutovych
Design, Mountain.

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