Stefano Giannotti : Enfance, adolescence, jeunesse


Enfance, adolescence, jeunesse

Une traversée lumineuse des cycles de la vie avec des pièces et des archives du compositeur Stefano Giannotti, qui explicitent son rapport au monde et au son. Une réponse parfaite à la thématique de « l’éveil au son » pour laquelle ce programme a été composé et diffusé à l’invitation de webSYNradio (2ème édition de La Radio Parfaite, webradio du Festival du Printemps des arts de Monte Carlo).

01 – LIGH BARTH 1974 #1
Me as a child 11 years old, singing and playing on guitar a song of mine in fake English

A sound journey between old age and childhood through the itinerary of a drop of water becoming ocean. A soundscape with the voice of the composer ‘s grandmother, voices of children from different parts of Europe, natural sounds. The piece exists in several versions: as a solo performance, as consort music, as a piece for orchestra and tapes, as a radio piece, as an installation.A projection of slides and a live water falling installation can be included.

03 – Lo-fi Studies for Piano Solo (2011)
In an epoque characterized by a strong technological revolution I’m still charmed by old electronic sounds, the poor ones, belonged to other times; I believe that these sounds can create a good dialogue with new means. in order to create a pacific convivence of old and new.
The piece is based on a blues played on an old piano and reproduced on a cassette-player; the final result is a sort of imaginary abstract landscape entirely made of tape floating piano sounds successively elaborated according to new technologies.
Five different constructions coinciding with five different metaphors:
disappearing, melody, harmony, rhythm, appearing

04 – I WAS A MILL (2010)
An experimental song for voices, keyboards and natural sounds.

05 – RAIN CARDS #01 – 10 (2012)
Water drops, showers, thunders and rainbow. RAIN CARDS are a series of pieces lasting between 30 and 50 seconds, inspired by water dripping. The piece doesn’t want to be a mere imitation of nature; it’s more a sort of investigation into rhythm and harmony, exploring the possibilities of the chromatic componium, a fantastic music instrument, similar to a rudimentary example of a mechanical computer.

A piece on the theme of language sound richness. Recorded on the CD Nuove musiche dal Teatro del Faro Giovanni, an old man from Benevento, sings a song in his dialect and tells stories about his youth. Several alphabets from different languages create the acoustic environment all around, reminding us about the common origin of words. A typewriter draws up a report of everything, typing words upon words endlessly.

07 – 13 – IL TEMPO CAMBIA I (I-CHING Miniatures, 1997-2001) – Excerpts
Karl-Sczuka-Preis 2002
6 – La lite (Conflict)
7 – L’esercito (The Army)
8 – La solidarietà (Holding Together)
13 – L’associazione fra gli uomini (Fellowship with Men)
14 – Il possesso grande (Possession in Great measure)
31 – La Stimolazione – Domanda di matrimonio (Influence – Wooing)
32 – La durata (Duration)
The first 32 signs from the I-CHING, interpreted acoustically, as sorts of sound-metaphors.

14 – DITE A MIA MOGLIE (Tell My Wife) (2005-2011)
A song compsed and arranged for my ensemble OTEME; the text is an ironic portrait of my wife’s faults. From the CD IL GIARDINO DISINCANTATO (2013)

15 – L’AGGUATO (The Ambush) (2015)
A chamber music piece for my ensemble OTEME. From the CD L’AGGUATO, L’ABBANDONO, IL MUTAMENTO (2015)

16 – IMPURE WAVES (2015)
Radio-piece for voice, harmonica, oscillators and mobile phones. It has been produced entirely during the author’s residency at the Worm Foundation in Rotterdam, between the 7th and the 15th of November 2015. The piece starts with a quotation from the Wikipedia definition of waves read by the author; successively, the text has been pulverized by dozens and dozens of Google translations until it has been reduced to the single sentence ” Plate ten. A Christian family?”

17 – LAIGH BARTH 1974 #2
Me as a child 11 years old, singing and playing on Bontempi organ and recorder a song of mine in fake English.

Stefano Giannotti

Première écoute : à partir du jeudi 22 mars 20h jusqu’au 4 avril 2018 même horaire.



Stefano Giannotti (1963) est un compositeur, auteur, et musicien italien. Son répertoire comprend des performances, des pièces radiophoniques, des partitions pour des chorégraphies et des orchestres. Il s’intéresse particulièrement aux thèmes de la mémoire, du paysage, de la voix et des dialectes. Son travail est présenté dans de nombreux festivals et sur les ondes de radios à travers le monde.
En 2010, il a formé OTEME – Osservatorio delle Terre Emerse, un ensemble qui joue ses chansons et sa musique de chambre.



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